The Complete Professional Man Of Mystery Collection - All Four Books PDF Format

The Complete Professional Man Of Mystery Collection - All Four Books PDF Format

Bill Abbott Magic Exclusive

Regular price £59.00 £59.00 Sale

Do you want to land your first weekly restaurant gig? 

Do you want to know how to rock a banquet table of jaded corporate executives?

Do you want to learn the secret to entertaining an audience of hundreds on stage armed with only a deck of cards? 

Do you want bullet-proof performances that will work for any audience and in any environment you are thrown into?

Do you want the real secrets that will help you to be liked by any audience and make your performance an event they will remember for years to come? 


The Professional Man Of Mystery Collection is here to answer all these questions and a whole lot more!


Long out of print and sought after by professional performers Bill Abbott’s landmark Professional Man Of Mystery Collection is back in an ALL COMPLETE package! Four books covering the working repertoire, advice and secrets gleaned from decades as a working professional at the top of the game. Get the collection INSTANTLY in this all-new PDF format in print-ready quality ready to be devoured by the eager magic student!


When first released the Professional Man Of Mystery Collection garnered high accolades from the best in business:


“The greatest compliment I can give about the material of Bill's is that I use it. Not only do I use it, I use quite a bit of it A LOT. I don't mean I use it toying around with my magical peers at meetings or conventions, but that I use it in paying circumstances during my formal show at The Mirage on the Las Vegas strip.” -Paul Vigil


"Bill's objective is to entertain his audiences, use methods that work under fire and he takes the responsibility of making magic fun very seriously. His advice about working walk-around gigs is advice I think everyone should read. It's worth much more than the price of the book.” 

-Bill Malone


“Bill has nailed the essence of that often awkward position we have to fill. His words of advice on how to handle yourself in that (sometimes) uncomfortable situation of cocktail magic, is worth the price of the book and the routines are inspired.” -Doc Eason


“The way this book looks and reads immediately draws you in and makes you care about the 'right stuff' for the 'right people' in the 'right places.' Add "sharp focus" (your own), stir gently, and serve. -Jon Racherbaumer


“Bill's theory on performing in a cocktail environment is worth ten times the price of the booklet. I have been working cocktails for over 15 years and I still learned some very valuable information from Bill's book that I will apply directly to my craft.” -Richard Sanders


“It became increasingly clear that Bill thinks long and hard about staging, presentation and creating professional pieces that are memorable. Professional secrets worth ten times the asking price!” -Cody S. Fisher


“Bill Abbott's Cabaret Card Magic is an extremely cogent work and is of tremendous value to every magician out there, but particularly to magicians who want to increase the effectiveness of any material they choose to do for real people.” -Marc DeSouza


“Bill is a modern day prospector digging and slugging through mounds of magic looking for the elusive nugget of gold. The ideas he finds, the routines he crafts and the magic he makes is absolute GOLD. My advice for any magician who wants to become a better and more entertaining performer is simple. Read and study this material.” -Anthony Lindan 

“The idea of entertaining a large group (as in 50 plus people) with only a deck of cards is at once thrilling and scary. Bill Abbott's Cabaret Card Magic has answered our questions with a collection of card material designed for large groups, and I enjoyed it immensely.” -Joshua Jay


Here are the partial contents included in the four book package:


Cocktail Card Magic


All around you are people that seem to know each other. They're laughing, engrossed in conversation, busy eating and drinking. You on the other hand are hired to 'entertain' these busy people with your magic, and at that precise moment you wish you could be anywhere else. One thing is keeping you from disappearing from the party.


You've been paid to be there.


Walk-around magic, strolling magic, roving magic, mingling sorcery, cocktail conjuring, etc. It has been given many names but it all boils down to the same thing, crashing people's otherwise meaningful conversations and consummation of expensive food and alcohol, with your magic.


  • Foreword  by David Acer
  • The Art Of Cocktail Magic
  • Blockbuster
  • Autograph
  • Invisible Origins Revealed
  • Ultra-Mental Mingling


Cabaret Card Magic


Have you ever dreamed of being a performer who can fill a room with personality, excitement and mystery, without resorting to a lot of props to do the filling? Does the idea of carrying a deck of playing cards in your pocket and having a limitless supply of entertainment options available to present to large audiences appeal to you? Bill Abbott's Cabaret Card Magic reveals how to turn your card tricks into real magical experiences that can entertain and mystify large audiences. Proper selection of material, the effect of your performance environment on that material, as well as the use of stories and how to generate consistent applause are some of the tools Bill discusses in detail. Ultimately, what is revealed here is how to create commercial card magic for the stage. Bullet proof performances that will work for any audience and in any environment you are thrown into. You already know that a deck of cards packs small. Now learn how to make it play big. 


  • Dedication
  • Foreword by Richard Sanders
  • Cards On Stage
  • The Princess & The Pea
  • Pokerface
  • The Last Romance of Diamond Jack
  • EZ Action Ultra-Mental Deck





Table Magic


Whether you're interested in landing your first restaurant gig, learning how to rock a banquet table full of corporate executives, or making the next house party you attend a legendary event, Table Magic reveals the real secrets to creating indelible table-side memories for every audience and venue. 


Bill Abbott's third instalment in the critically acclaimed Professional Man Of Mystery Collection, unveils the intimate details necessary to performing professional magic at the restaurant table, the banquet table or the dining table at someone's private home event. 


Gleaned from Bill's years of experience as 'house magician' at several Toronto restaurants, the thousands of corporate banquets he has entertained at and the hundreds of private home engagements, Table Magic is chock full of advice and hard-hitting commercial routines. 


A Dedication to Paul Gertner

Foreword by Paul Vigil 

Advice & Essays:

  • Interruptions & Distractions
  • Centre Pieces and the Art of War
  • House Parties: The Perfect Place for Magic
  • To Sit or to Stand 
  • Pied Piper Syndrome and the Antidote
  • Why the Restaurant Needs You & Why You Need the Restaurant 

Effects & Routines:

  • Flash The Wonder Dog
  • Ashes Feng Shui 
  • Hot Shot Card StabEnding
  • Casey's Crayons
  • Mental Photograph
  • The Boyd Mystery Complete 


House Party Magic


“My favourite venue to perform in and some of my favourite routines and stunts that I perform ONLY for house party audiences.  If you've ever considered this market, are already working this market or want to put together a show for this market - House Party Magic is a book chock full of tips, advice and routines designed exclusively for the house party environment and audience. I love house party gigs and there's a couple things you probably haven't thought about that I've put into this book House Party Magic.  Things that will help you to connect with house party audiences.  Things that will help you to be liked, by both the audience and more importantly the host/hostess of the party. Things that will make your performance an event they will remember for years to come.  Welcome to House Party Magic!" - Bill Abbott 


  • Foreword by Anthony Lindan 
  • Dedication to Eugene Burger
  • House Parties: The Perfect Place For Magic
  • Don't Be A Tight Ass
  • General Connections
  • Personal Connections
  • Gifts & Cards
  • "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." 
  • Party Control 
  • The Hoysi Incident : Part One & Two 
  • Polenta!