Fake it.

Fake it.

You're at the gig. You've already made yourself known to your contact person at the event. You've set your show, you've packed your pockets. At thi...
Being seen and heard.

Being seen and heard.

When you enter into the realm of stand-up, stage or cabaret magic you soon realize that the environment is rarely ever your creation or choice. Ima...
Be yourself.

Be yourself.

Your routines, methods and clothing are not your performance. You are your performance. I know this is not what the manufacturers of the latest tri...
If it's not on the page - it's not on the stage.

If it's not on the page - it's not on the stage.

I meet many magicians (professional and amateur) who tell me that they don't want to script their routines because they want to improvise and be sp...
It's a lot about style.

It's a lot about style.

The WAY you deliver and sell your magic to your audience is much more important than WHAT it is you actually do. .  Professor Albert Mehrabian car...


Human brains love a story. Stories and storytelling are probably  the most common and popular features of all global cultures. As human beings we h...
About Face

About Face

Your face is a big part of your branding. It's who you are. And it's what the audience wants to see. Something Doc Eason  talks about during hi...
The NASA Position

The NASA Position

Plant your flag.Stake your claim.Mark your territory.   If you get to your gig early enough, you will be able to solve a multitude of problems th...
Falling in Love

Falling in Love

The secret to winning an audience over is not to 'blow them away' too soon, as we have occasionally been taught.  If you blow them away too soon th...
Joy in the Journey.

Joy in the Journey.

Make the most of every moment in your show.  Stretching and pulling every last ounce of entertainment from your props, script and interactions with...
Pack Smart. Play Anywhere.

Pack Smart. Play Anywhere.

As magical performers we are becoming more and more a global service industry. When the local economy has been gutted by widespread recession, we h...


When audience reaction, energy and response is not at the level you were expecting, desiring or hoping for - soldier on. It does not mean they aren...